Redefinition of RCTVideoType error when building brand new React Native UIKit project

I built the UIKIT SDK and started a new RN project using the community react native CLI as per instructed in this tutorial: React Native | Amity Docs

The build worked fine in a blank project however however after adding the SDK and it’s dependencies I get those errors above.
The Typescript code I have is just the one that is in instructions.

I tried cleaning the build folder and derived data and running pod install but that did not fix the errors.

I also noticed the tutorial seems to have conflicting information, at the top it says the minimum iOS target should be 13.4 but later on it says the minimum should be 12.x

Hello @jay ,Regarding the issue you encountered, we need some additional information to help you further:

  • Your uikit version that you are using
  • Your xcode version that you are using

Thank you

Hello, what is the solution for this.?
What was the problem and how can I avoid this problem.?

Hi @amitysupport
Currently I am using

  1. UIKIT version - 4.0.0-beta-12
  2. Xcode version - Version 15.3
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Hello @Raunakkmr , Let me pass this to our team for checking, and I’ll get back to you.

Hello @Raunakkmr , For further investigation, we need to know your React Native version.


react native version is : 0.74.5

Hello @Raunakkmr ,Thank you for providing additional info, we have passed it to our team to check this further.

Hello @Raunakkmr , After further investigation, we found that the build process currently encounters issues on React Native version 0.74.0 and above. We recommend that you delete your current project and rebuild it using a React Native version between 0.72.0 and 0.73.0.

Please try this solution and let us know if it resolves the errors. If you continue to experience issues, feel free to reach out for further assistance.