See blocked comments

Hi there,

We’re using a blocklist to fight spam. Now we see that we’ve been too strict with it. Is there any way to see blocked comments or posts?



Hi @strathausen ,

May I confirm:

  • you mean see posts/comments that have already been blocked previously as an admin (not your users)? just seeing them or unblocking them as well?
  • your platform and version

Thank you,
Amity Support

Hi there,

No, I mean the blocklist as in which is a list of words that are blocked. When someone posts a comment or post containing a word from that list, where does it go? We are using the ts-sdk version 0.0.1-beta.28

Also, I’m interested in reviewing those posts.



Hi @strathausen ,

Sincere apologies for our delayed response.

We’ve confirmed that based on your shared link, checking would not be possible - with our function comments/posts with those blocked words wouldn’t be created in the first place.

Thank you,
Amity Support

If you found out previous standards have been too strict we’d recommend :

  1. updating your blocked lists
  2. using webhook feature for more customized moderations Webhook Events - Amity Docs (to enable this please email your target region + API key to

Anything else please let us know,
Thank you

Hi @strathausen,

We trust you’ve resolved this issue and will close this case now. If there’s still anything else please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Thank you,
Amity Support