Load more messages not working!

Hello! I’m using Amity JS SDK 5.35.3 for chat and load more messages not working
I can get only first 20 messages but another messages aren’t loading on scroll

There is no property hasMore in collection object

also when I try to call method nextPage() for load more messages I got an error -“TypeError: this.collection.nextPage is not a function

This is my code

Hello @Mykola, let me pass this issue to my team, and I’ll get back to you soon.

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ok, thanks for reply!

Do you have any updates?

Hello @Mykola , From the issue you’ve encountered, there are the available options below:

  1. Update SDK: We recommend updating to the latest version of the SDK, as we noticed that the version you’re using is quite old. Bugs and issues are normally fixed in the newer versions.
  2. Switch to TypeScript: The JS SDK will soon be deprecated. Moving to TypeScript will be beneficial for future support and features.
  3. Check Our Documentation: For issues related to message loading, please refer to our pagination documentation here: Amity SDK Pagination.

If there’s anything else we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.