Audio message length shows 00:00

Hi, we are using IOS UI kit, and when we send audio message then its displays recording length time is 00:00 always,
can you please tell us how to fix this.

Screenshot below:

@vibhorMaheshwari From your issue, could I request the full code that you’ve implemented for review?


Code Snap:

import UIKit
import AmitySDK

final class AmityMessageAudioTableViewCell: AmityMessageTableViewCell {
    @IBOutlet private var durationLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet private var actionImageView: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet private var activityIndicatorView: UIActivityIndicatorView!
    override func awakeFromNib() {
    override func prepareForReuse() {
        durationLabel.text = "0:00"
        actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPlay
    func setupView() {
        durationLabel.text = "0:00"
        durationLabel.font = AmityFontSet.body
        durationLabel.textAlignment = .right
        actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPlay
        activityIndicatorView.hidesWhenStopped = true
    override func display(message: AmityMessageModel) {
        if !message.isDeleted {
            if message.isOwner {
                durationLabel.textColor = AmityColorSet.baseInverse
                actionImageView.tintColor = AmityColorSet.baseInverse
       = .medium
                switch message.syncState {
                case .syncing:
                    durationLabel.alpha = 0
                case .synced, .default, .error:
                    durationLabel.alpha = 1
                @unknown default:
            } else {
                durationLabel.textColor = AmityColorSet.base
                actionImageView.tintColor = AmityColorSet.base
       = .medium
            if AmityAudioPlayer.shared.isPlaying(), AmityAudioPlayer.shared.fileName == message.messageId {
                actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPause
            } else {
                actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPlay
        super.display(message: message)
    override class func height(for message: AmityMessageModel, boundingWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        let displaynameHeight: CGFloat = message.isOwner ? 0 : 22
        if message.isDeleted {
            return AmityMessageTableViewCell.deletedMessageCellHeight + displaynameHeight
        return 90 + displaynameHeight

extension AmityMessageAudioTableViewCell {
    @IBAction func playTap(_ sender: UIButton) {
        if !message.isDeleted && message.syncState == .synced {
            sender.isEnabled = false
   message.object) { [weak self] in
                self?.durationLabel.alpha = 0
            } completion: { [weak self] (result) in
                guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
                switch result {
                case .success(let url):
                    AmityAudioPlayer.shared.delegate = self
                    AmityAudioPlayer.shared.fileName = strongSelf.message.messageId
                    AmityAudioPlayer.shared.path = url
                    sender.isEnabled = true
                    strongSelf.durationLabel.alpha = 1
                case .failure(let error):

extension AmityMessageAudioTableViewCell: AmityAudioPlayerDelegate {
    func playing() {
        actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPause
        delegate?.performEvent(self, events: .audioPlaying)
    func stopPlaying() {
        actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPlay
        durationLabel.text = "0:00"
    func finishPlaying() {
        actionImageView.image = AmityIconSet.Chat.iconPlay
        durationLabel.text = "0:00"
    func displayDuration(_ duration: String) {
        durationLabel.text = duration

@vibhorMaheshwari We have checked with the relevant team and found that, by design, the SDK does not provide the duration of audio files. However, there is a workaround to display the audio duration:

  1. After completing the audio recording, save the audio duration in the message metadata.
  2. To display the audio duration, extract this information from the message metadata.

Thanks for your support, we have fixed this by using metadata.

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