Authentication token expired


I’m using secure mode and using the UIKit for the chat. I have generated an authtoken with a server request which works, but after around 10 minutes I get a console error:

I understand that I need to refresh the auth token and the UIKit doesn’t do this, but I don’t know where can I catch that the authtoken has expired.

I’m doing the login from my app with:

          userId: userId,
          displayName: displayName,
          authToken: authToken,

the amitySessionHandler → sessionWillRenewAccessToken is not called

I have tried to add a console log in UIKit login method to see if the sessionWillRenewAccessToken is called, but it is not

Can you let me how and where should I do this?

Hello @lorandd did you implement this part: Session State - Amity Docs ?

I think I did. I did it like this:

          userId: userId,
          displayName: displayName,
          authToken: authToken,
 const amitySessionHandler: Amity.SessionHandler = {
    sessionWillRenewAccessToken(renewal: Amity.AccessTokenRenewal) {
      console.log("RENEW TOKEN");
      dispatch(getAmityAuthToken()).then((authToken) => {

I also did this:

 useEffect(() => {
    return Client.onSessionStateChange((state: Amity.SessionStates) => {
      console.log("Session state changed: " + state);
  }, []);

but those function are not called when the token expires

Is there anything else I need to do or do you see any issues with how I did it?


Hi @lorandd your implementation seems correct, our dev is investigating on this. Will keep you posted.

Hey, is there any progress on this ? Thanks

Hello , As a workaround, we recommend updating the open-source code manually to include the following function for session renewal:

sessionWillRenewAccessToken(renewal) {
  // secure mode
  if (authToken) {


This fix will apply to both the SDK and UI Kit, and we plan to release a fix for the UI Kit early next week.

Thank you.

you mean here, right ?

added like this:

sessionWillRenewAccessToken(renewal) {

            if (authToken) {


but this is never called and the session still expires…

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I’ve informed the team to verify this, and we’ll get back to you with an update.

I’ve noticed that there is a new version of the UIKit, v3.2.2 but this error persist is this version as well…

Hello @lorandd thank you for flagging this. Could you also confirm if this issue Session issues on UI Kit 3.0? - #7 by amitysupport has been solved in ver 3.2.2?

no, the session issue still persist in this version as mentioned in my previous comment

Thank you for confirming, @lorandd. When you mentioned that the issue still persists, is it accurate to say that the authentication token expires immediately, or does it expire after 10 minutes due to the renewAccessToken not being triggered?

It doesn’t seem to expiry immediately… I see a console error like in the image in the initial post that a token has expired, usually after a few minutes of inactivity… it could be 10 minutes as well… most likely because the renew is not called…

sometimes it expires sooner then 10 minutes

@lorandd Thank you for the information. I have forwarded this to the team for further investigation, and I will update you again if there is any progress.

@lorandd Can I confirm that the Uikit itself calls the session API, which then throws an error without taking any further action ?

Yes, we don’t explicitly call the session endpoint, this is called from the UIKit and then throws that error

@lorandd Thank you for your response. I will pass this information on to my team.