Using WebHook how to send information to OneSignal Notification SDK?

How to set up WebHook and how to send information to OneSignal Notification SDK?

Hello @danielkang98 the steps should be as follows:

  1. Setting up WebHook:
  • Navigate to the webhook settings in your Amity product dashboard.
  • Follow the provided instructions to create a new webhook.
  • Specify the endpoint URL where you want to receive the webhook events.
  • Configure any additional settings as required, such as authentication or payload format.
  1. Sending Information to OneSignal Notification SDK:
  • Once your webhook is set up and configured, Amity will start sending real-time events to the specified endpoint URL.
  • You can then extract information from webhook
  • Trigger OneSignal SDK to push the notification and add information to OneSignal notification payload

Webhook docs: Webhook Events - Amity Docs

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